Ensure Python Development: Practical strides that we can take to ensure Python skills development

Speaker: Jessica Upani

Type: Talk

Room: Orange Room

Time: Oct 06 (Thu), 15:30

Duration: 0:45

There are several countries such as Zimbabwe, Nigeria to name a few that have just started having python events in their countries and I would like to share what steps we are taking to ensure that we are not just organizing these events but we are also taking necessary steps to ensure that in the future we are actually really developing the skills of the new developers in our nations.

This will serve as motivation and it will give a sense of direction for these developing countries. In the end we are hoping to motivate more countries to follow our steps. We need to show each other support and share our actions, this will serve that purpose.

This talk does not need any expertise. It will benefit both new organizers as well as experienced organizers who have not taken some of these steps already.