Software Carpentry

This event requires separate registration and is not included in the conference ticket.

The Software Carpentry workshop at PyConZA 2016 will take place on the 5th and 6th of October—the day before the conference and on the first day of the conference—at the River Club.

Software Carpentry is an international organisation which helps scientists and engineers to get more research done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic lab skills for scientific computing. In the past few years, several successful Software Carpentry workshops have been run in South Africa.

This hands-on workshop is aimed at graduate students and other researchers, and will cover the basics of automating tasks with Python and the Unix shell, as well as version control with Git. You don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop. We will be teaching beginner-level material suitable for programming novices.

We invite researchers with more programming experience to sign up as helpers: if you are interested, please contact us at

To attend this event, you must purchase a workshop ticket. This is separate from the conference ticket—but it entitles you to purchase a conference ticket at the reduced student rate, even if you are not a full-time student!

For more information, please visit our main workshop page—be sure to check back often, as some event details may change!