PyConZA 2016: 6 & 7 October 2016

Thursday 6th October...

PyConZA starts on Thursday 6th October!

In case you've forgotten, the venue is the The River Club in Observatory.

Registration opens at 8:30, followed at 9:15 by the opening and Flavio Percoco's keynote Keeping up with the pace of a fast growing community without dying.

Thursday includes talks on RevDB, Python in Viral Bioinformatics, simulating drug resistance, deploying Django with Google App Engine and many others, as well as 2 tutorials.

The day closes with lightning talks.

If you have a lightning talk to offer, email with a title and a two-sentence description of the topic.

and Friday 7th October

The conference continues on Friday the 7th, kicking off with a panel discussion on teaching Python.

There will be talks on Juggling GPU tasks with asyncio, MicroPython, Metrics with Prometheus, Machine Learning using Gaussian Processes amongst others and another 2 tutorials.

There will be a second opportunity for lightning talks, and the day will end with Maciej Fijałkowski's keynote How development models affect the team.

During the closing, there'll be an opportunity for people attending sprints to announce what they'll be sprinting on, so that others interested in similar things can join them.


The sprints will be on the 8th and 9th of October at The Oracle Cloud Development Centre in Black River Park.

Everyone interested in hacking on or with Python is welcome (even if you couldn't attend the conference itself).

Satellite events

These events require separate registration and are not included in the conference ticket.

The Software Carpentry workshop at PyConZA 2016 will take place on the 5th and 6th of October.

Django Girls will be running an event alongside the conference, on the 6th and 7th of October.


None of this would be possible without our sponsors!